Dr K’s Scoop – March 2018

Jeunesse MedSpa® | March 20, 2018 | no responses | Dr K' Scoop

It’s been an incredibly busy  start to 2018.. and we”re already well into March.  Here’s  a wee u snapshot of the exciting times over the last few weeks.

After the  conference in Paris I spent time in London with  a group of incredible  new and old friends. The 5 days were packed to capacity with a 4 day  ‘Train the trainer’ workshop,  reuniting with some of my dearest  friends childhood friends and visiting a few spectacular cosmetic clinics. 

The train the trainer workshop with MATA,  was an invaluable programme that has me buzzing.  I am so  looking forward to our journey here in NZ on establishing a training academy for cosmetic injectors to improve standards in our industry. 

I did find time to pop  into some of London’s best cosmetic  Harley Street clinics -Juvea  & Phi, and Knightsbridge – Urban Aesthetix! 


I literally walked  straight off the plane back in NZ , into the first 2 day NZSCM  Workshop, training on wrinkle relaxers and did use some of the new skills I’d learnt. It was made a wee bit easier as I was very grateful for the kind upgrade by Emirates! 


Allergan launched Belkyra an innovative fat cell destroyer for double chins and I was very privileged to be amongst a select group to be invited to the launch. There has been lots of interest and currently we are implementing  our own trials before we launch it .. watch our SM and app for updates. 




Our big  celebration  is another amazing new addition to our team…. Alli Grant 

Alli is a highly experienced cosmetic injecting nurse who has been  in the industry since 2007 having worked at Caci Clinic.  We are delighted that she has joined our Jeunesse family, and has fitted in so quickly and so perfectly! Her aesthetic philosophy is very much aligned with ours and she has spent the last few weeks getting to grips with our way of treatments. We are sure you will love her too. 


It was a big month of celebrations too Dr Armstrong and my hubby both turned 50 at the end of February and Jeunesse Family will be celebrating together this week as Alli and Linda have had  birthdays too (although not 50) !


As many of you are aware I turned 50 last year and am celebrating life for 50 weeks. Not huge celebration but just little ones taking time for me.  My week 20 celebration – Our fabulous photographer Nikola Mitchell gave me an amazing opportunity to do a complimentary no makeup photoshoot which was extremely empowering !

Dr K’s  Real Me Photoshoot


There’s  a few more exciting things happening over the next couple months that we will be sharing with you,  so please keep an eye out for our monthly updates  in your mailbox…  and if you haven’t already,  download our free app  

You can also connect with us on Facebook  and Instagram to get up to the minute news and access to information about our treatments.

Hope you all have a fabulous end to the month and a great easter weekend .

Warmest wishes 

?Dr K 

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