Dr K’s Scoop – October 2018
Jeunesse MedSpa® | October 30, 2018 | no responses |
Dr K' Scoop
Wow, it’s spring and my birthday month!
I’m a firm believer that life should not be lived, it should be celebrated. You may have noticed some beautifully framed sayings scattered around the clinic celebrating life.
I turned 50 last October and have been celebrating life as a 50-year-old for 50 weeks.
The crazy idea of my festival of 50 came about last August when two of my dear friends were unwell and I realised how privileged I was to be a healthy happy 50-year-old. Of course, the party girl in me didn’t need much encouragement for celebrations.
It’s been an amazing journey with lots of big celebrations and many many more little ones over the year. I’ve taken time to appreciate and enjoy life and I’ve loved every minute of it!
My 50 week festival of 50 culminated with an All White Bling Bash at the Ferrybank, sharing a reflection of my journey with my dearest friends and family. I feel super blessed to have such a wonderful network of support and love surround me.
OCTOBER is also breast cancer awareness month.
Eight women a day are diagnosed with breast cancer in New Zealand. Breast cancer has affected me both in a professional and personal capacity.
I am so very proud of our darling girl who donated 36 cm of her beautiful hair for wig making AND is raising money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation! The money raised is used to fund vital research projects and medical grants to help improve the survivor-ship of breast cancer in New Zealand. It will also help support kiwi women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer through services such as counselling and rehabilitation programs.
It’s a timely reminder to get checked.

There have also been some exciting things happening at Jeunesse. We’ve been adding a few new ‘toys’ to our toolbox.
Our brand new Venus Versa IPL and skin tightening machine arrived recently and both Linda and Alli have been working hard to catch up with all your treatments. The machine is fabulous and I personally found it much less painful when I had my IPL hair reduction treatment. There are few more exciting treatments which we will soon be offering.
October also saw the addition of our new needling device the Skin pen. This exciting new cordless pen adds a whole new dimension to our treatments and we will be sharing more soon.
Another fabulous device to Jeunesse is the CO2 Fractional laser that we have been trialling in-house. The results have been amazing and we can’t wait to see how much you love the results too.
I’m home now for a couple of months and looking forward to catching up with all of our amazing clients.
The next 8 weeks are our craziest time of year and if you want to make sure you get your pre-Xmas treatments please book ASAP as there are limited spaces available.
I’m so so grateful for you our precious clients and our phenomenal Jeunesse work family for being part of my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We look forward to seeing you in clinic soon!
‘The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate ‘ Oprah
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