What should I look for when deciding to get my mole removed?

Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 12, 2017 | no responses |

Most moles are not dangerous. If you see changes in existing moles or a mole first appears after the age of 30 then you should see a doctor.   Any mole that displays the changes or symptoms below needs a full clinical assessment by a doctor: Color Height Size Shape Bleeding Discharge Itching Tenderness


What Does Radiowave mole removal surgery involve?

Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 12, 2017 | no responses |

The first step is to have a consultation with one of our doctors. They will assess whether the lesion is suitable for treatment with radio wave surgery or not. The procedure takes a short time, and requires only a small local anaesthetic, which is very fast acting. The anaesthetic is injected into the base of […]


What can Radiowave surgery be used for?

Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 12, 2017 | no responses |

Radio wave surgery can be used to make skin incisions or to remove benign skin lesions such as naevi (moles, mole removal), warts, seborrhoeic keratosis (benign skin lesion), and skin tags. The delicate technique is very useful as it allows the raised lesion to be gradually shaved down until it is level with the skin. […]


What is radiofrequency (radiowave) surgery? 

Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 12, 2017 | no responses |

Radio wave surgery uses the latest in diathermy technology, the Ellman Surgitron to literally shave the mole away until it is smooth with the skin surface. Radio frequency waves are high frequency wavelengths that generate minimal heat. The wavelength that is optimal for skin surgery which is similar to the frequency of marine band radios. […]


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