Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 11, 2017 | no responses |
If you have been struggling with a leaky bladder during physical activity, laughing or sneezing, schedule your O-Shot® consult with Dr. Kirshni Appanna today, and find out how you may benefit from an O-Shot® and to assess your suitability.
Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 11, 2017 | no responses |
Urinary incontinence symptoms tend to progress and get worse over time unless treated. It affects women of all ages, but is most prevalent among older women. You may find that you avoid activities and social settings for fear of embarrassing moments that you believe are beyond your control. Many women may even avoid sexual activity […]
Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 11, 2017 | no responses |
Generally speaking, less invasive treatments are first line followed by more invasive options. Some strategies include Behavioural – bladder retraining techniques Pelvic floor exercises Medications Medical devices Surgery Any or all of these, may help you deal with incontinence but now the O-Shot® can be used to mend and strengthen urinary tissue and muscle and treat both […]
Jeunesse MedSpa® | September 11, 2017 | no responses |
There are 2 main categories of incontinence STRESS INCONTINENCE Leakage of small amounts of urine due to an increase in abdominal pressure caused by other body reactions or activities, such as sneezing, laughing, lifting or coughing. Is due to a loss of support from the urethra. It is commonly observed as a consequence of damage […]